Special Press Preview

Welcome to the art-ma Spirit Soul – Five Elements Gallery.

We hope you enjoy the amazing Five Elements  collection of artworks by Romanian artist Ovidiu Kloska. You will find artwork descriptions along with videos for each painting. Immersive yourself in this wonderful journey of the spirit soul through the five elements.

Team art-ma

For more information about art-ma, Ovidiu Kloska or the Five Elements artworks.
Please refer to your emailed press pack or contact us to obtain one.

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  • Gallery is best viewed on a desktop, in Full Screen through the icon menu in the top left corner.
  • If viewed on a mobile, rotate the phone and view in landscape, making it Full Screen using the icon menu.
  • If you wish to experience a guided tour of the Virtual Gallery then please click on the ‘Fly through option’ at the start of the tour.
  • You may need to update your browser to the latest version for a more enhanced experience.


art-ma Spirit Soul 5 Elements Virtual Gallery