Jon Tomassetti

Jon Tomassetti

Jon Tomassetti is an Italian artist who grew up in an artistic environment in a period of Italian classicism. He
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Pietro Di Giovannantonio

Pietro Di Giovannantonio

Pietro Di Giovannantonio was born in Sant’Animo, Naples, Italy, on July 14, 1957. He graduated from the Academy of Fine
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Parama Libralesso

Parama Libralesso

Parama Libralesso is an Italian artist, he was raised as orthodox Hindu in a Christian country. This cultural crossover has
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Ashima Kumar

Ashima Kumar

“Ashima Kumar is a visual artist working at the cutting edge of Graphic Design and Fine Art after completing her
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KLOSKA (Ovidiu Closca) was born in a small town in the North East of Romania, he studied art up until
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Patrizio Landolfi

Patrizio Landolfi

Patrizio Landolfi was born in Battipaglia, Salerno, south-west Italy on March 17, 1954. He moved to Genoa in 1968. After
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